Fears of Starting IVF

Fears of Starting IVF

I know how scary it is to be facing the possibility of doing IVF. No one wants to get here. Everyone hopes that they'll get to be the story of suddenly becoming pregnant right before treatment begins. And it DOES happen, but not everyone is lucky.

I was pretty scared before starting IVF, specifically about the physical part/pain I’d likely experience 😬 My palms would get sweaty and I'd feel anxious thinking about the injections and wondering how bad they would hurt. How crazy would I feel.

I had friends who’d been through it already tell me that IVF felt like a relief to them or that it really wasn’t that bad.

And I thought they were just unicorns 🦄 in this process 🤣

But I get what they meant now.

The shots, bruising and blood draws are a temporary pain. But when I hold that temporary pain up against the deep, isolating pain of getting negatives each month for years, it really doesn’t compare.

If you’re at the point of IVF, you likely have been experiencing pain for quite sometime. Or you have a deep longing to protect your future, or someone else’s future family by egg freezing (you’re so rad 🙌🏼).

Walking those years of negatives was far greater a pain than any physical pain I’ve experienced so far in IVF or any fertility testing.

So, if that’s you and you’re carrying worry and fear about that part of your potential future, set it down. If I can help one person feel less scared about this part of the journey that's what I want to do. I don't want you to be scared! 

You are so strong. You are so tough. You have been refined by fire waiting for your child. You will do great!

“Yes, you will suffer for a short time. But after that, God will make everything right. He will make you strong. He will support you and keep you from falling. He is the God who gives all grace. He chose you to share in his glory in Christ. That glory will continue forever.” 1 Peter‬ ‭5:10‬ ‭‬‬

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