How to Support the IVF Bill (AB-2029) Support
Resolve.org is an amazing organization devoted to bring awareness and legislative support to the infertility community and right now they have a bill that is heading for the Assembly floor!
If you could take a moment and send an email with to help make sure that our voices are heard loud and clear!
Email the Appropriations Committee at approps.committee@assembly.ca.gov
In the subject line, write “Support for AB-2029.” In the body of the email, write “I am writing in support of AB-2029.” If you have time, feel free to share your story and how much this legislation requiring insurance coverage for IVF means to you.
Be sure to include your name and address in your signature. They need as many Californians to voice their support for this bill in an effort to help this bill pass out of Committee on May 18!
Whether you have personal history with infertility or someone you know does, or you just believe that reproductive rights is healthcare and should be covered!
Thank you for taking the time! It makes such a difference to families like Kev and me! We have spent over $50,000 on our treatments and testing from IUI, to bloodwork, genetic screening, IVF, IVF meds, transfer, transfer meds, monitoring, etc.
We would love nothing more than to see other families get to avoid the financial burden that comes along with the already physical and emotional process of fertility treatment!